Tuesday, May 6, 2008

2v2 - Vent shout-Outs

Let's do this. Arena is fast. Very fast. Every second counts. I'm still learning a lot about Arenas and I am thinking one of the most important things we need are single word shout-outs in vent to keep the pace and let each other know what up. I will start the list and need you to add your ideas so we can continue to practice and get a good rhythm down!

SAP - One is sapped/cc'd. Can last up to 45 seconds.
BLIND - One is blinded/cc'd. Lasts 10 seconds.
[name of CC] [1] - First time being cc'd. You will not trinket unless asked. (ie: FEAR1)
[name of CC] [2] - Second time being cc'd. Your asking whether or not to trinket. (ie:BLIND2)
[name of CC] [3+] - Situational. (ie:FEAR3)

*note: If I get a Sap, we should be set for quite a few seconds on the other one. Most good players will not trinket out of sap because they know I will Blind right after they trinket which GUARANTEES 10 seconds of freedom for us.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Rogue UI

Working on some artwork for a custom rogue (UI) user interface. I took a break for a bit and getting back on this. Looks a bit Warlockish yet. I need to see what I can do about changing a few things. Using it as the UI for my guild right now.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Stranger

Amazement burned in the inscrutable eyes of Thog, for the news astonished him. To see so many ghostly shapes among the shadows of the trees nearby could only mean one thing-the stranger in front of him was telling the truth.

Thog Grunted. "Excellent! I will notify Rend Fate immediately. Inform your source that I will receive her in our usual secluded location and go yourself to notify Thrall that I will presently request an audience. Tell him..." Thog's yellow eyes narrowed to mere slits, "Tell him the Ravenholdt Sphynx has a new riddle. You have my leave to go."

The stranger bowed and withdrew, and the shadows among the trees withdrew with him, leaving a full moon to glare down illuminating the forest edge once again.

A gleam of satisfaction flickered in Thog's eyes and quickly vanished; for he was an orc bent on one thing only, however he might attain it. He also realized he hadn't smiled in a long time, a very long time indeed.