Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Stranger

Amazement burned in the inscrutable eyes of Thog, for the news astonished him. To see so many ghostly shapes among the shadows of the trees nearby could only mean one thing-the stranger in front of him was telling the truth.

Thog Grunted. "Excellent! I will notify Rend Fate immediately. Inform your source that I will receive her in our usual secluded location and go yourself to notify Thrall that I will presently request an audience. Tell him..." Thog's yellow eyes narrowed to mere slits, "Tell him the Ravenholdt Sphynx has a new riddle. You have my leave to go."

The stranger bowed and withdrew, and the shadows among the trees withdrew with him, leaving a full moon to glare down illuminating the forest edge once again.

A gleam of satisfaction flickered in Thog's eyes and quickly vanished; for he was an orc bent on one thing only, however he might attain it. He also realized he hadn't smiled in a long time, a very long time indeed.


Klinger said...

Thog Make FIRE!!!

Hit me up on mine - http://neb-neb.blogspot.com

Klinger said...

"Lok'Tar Ogar, Thog," Orkwar says, wiping the grime from his sheild.

"I see Outlands has treated you well. Seems as if all the beasts out here carry some powerful toys."

Orkwar slams an approaching Fel Orc with his shield, "Care to lend a hand?"